My Story

I remember it like it was yesterday. Twenty years ago I sat nervously in the counseling suite at a social services agency in Orlando with my first therapy couple. I’ll call them Brad and Anne. They told me their story…meeting in college, their growing friendship and romance, the beautiful wedding, and the two awesome kids. They shared how reality caught them by surprise, stress crept in, appreciation dwindled, and resentments grew. With their connection non-existent, Brad and Anne came to me as a last resort, resigned to begin their separate futures.

As I watched them and listened to their despair, I sensed their bond. I felt sad that they might divorce. My gut told me that Brad and Anne still had a connection even though they had lost their way over the years, and the barriers between them had grown more numerous and impenetrable. We talked about their love, cherished family milestones, disappointments, and unmet needs. Brad and Anne hadn’t realized, though, that they wanted the same things in the marriage and that they desperately missed each other. They just didn’t know how to break through the vicious cycle of conflict and regret. Enter the power of couples counseling.

Over time, I helped them nurture their connection by uncovering the deeper feelings behind their anger, hurt, and resentment. I encouraged them to create a shared vision for their marriage and to invest the time to learn each other’s innermost thoughts, feelings, and dreams. I reiterated that working on a marriage is a lifelong process that takes strong commitment. And that conflict isn’t to be avoided but managed. Ultimately, they found their way back to each other. And I found my way into a career that I love with a passion.

My Approach

Every relationship has its unique strengths and challenges. While I don’t believe everyone should stay together, I do believe too many couples divorce prematurely. I'll take the time in the beginning of our therapeutic relationship to get a thorough assessment from each of you so we have a solid foundation from which to build. I will listen closely to everything you tell me.  I’ll also hear what you don’t say. I’ll pay attention to your perspectives on the relationship, the symbolic meaning behind your words, and triggers that stir up past hurts. Phrases like “irreconcilable differences,” “not in love anymore,” or “grown apart” indicate to me that buried emotions likely need to be accessed and expressed before healing can begin.

My approach, based on Gottman Method Couples Therapy, uses proven methods to help you reclaim your love and build a relationship full of meaning and purpose. I also tailor therapy to your specific needs by using solution-focused, cognitive-behavioral, and emotionally-focused couples therapy techniques where appropriate.

The Gift of Life Experiences

My education not only includes my academic study and training, but also my life experiences. As a wife of more than 40 years and mother of three amazing adult kids, I bring many years of learning and growing through my own personal life challenges and triumphs. These experiences enrich the depth, compassion, candor, and authentic connection I attempt to bring to every client relationship. My style is active and directive, yet warm and nonjudgmental; my role as your counselor is to provide an environment of safety, trust, and mutual respect from which we work together to explore your world.


Education and Training

My graduate education at Stetson University in Marriage and Family Therapy focused on helping people in interpersonal relationships. I enjoy enriching my knowledge base by continuing to learn and stay current on research and training opportunities. For more than 20 years I’ve helped couples solve problems with intimacy, trust, and communication; survive and thrive after relationship crises; and achieve the satisfaction of a rewarding relationship. It would be an honor to help you discover what may be keeping you from achieving the relationship you want.

Specialized Workshops and Training

• Dick Schwartz's Internal Family Systems (IFS) Master Class (2024)

• Intimacy from the Inside Out (IFIO), 6-month online program applying IFS to relationships (2024)

• Gottman Method Couples Therapy Level 2 Training (2020)

• Traumatic Incident Reduction (TIR) Workshop, sponsored by Applied Metapsychology International (2017)

• Gottman Method Couples Therapy (2016)

• Sue Johnson: "Hold Me Tight: Emotionally Focused Interventions" (2010, 2008)

• Reid Wilson: "Don't Panic: Effective Treatment for Anxiety Disorders" (2005)

• Bill O'Hanlon: "Brief Solution-Oriented Family Therapy" (2002)

• Albert Ellis: "Treating Anxiety, Depression, and Anger" (2001)

• August Napier: "The Marriage Experience" (1998)

Professional Affiliations

• Clinical Member, American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy

• Member, Central Florida Association for Marriage and Family Therapy

• Mental Health Professional, Collaborative Family Law Group of Central Florida

• Member, AMI-Applied Metapsychology International and TIRA-Traumatic Incident Reduction Association


• M.S., Counseling, specialization in Marriage and Family Therapy, Stetson University, DeLand, Florida.

• B.S., Communications, summa cum laude, Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts.

Call, text 407-701-6441 or email me at


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1850 Lee Road Suite #103
Winter Park, FL 32789
(407) 701-6441

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